During August 5-12, we actively participated in DebConf17, in several professional capacities: platinum sponsor, presenter, workshop and career fair participant, as well as social event host.
Debconf17 is the annual Debian Developers and Contributors Conference, with over 405 people attending from all over the world, 169 events including 89 talks, 61 discussion sessions or BoFs, 6 workshops and 13 other activities, DebConf17 has been hailed as a success.
Indeed, we are grateful that we could be part of this fantastic, free software community-based and scientific event and play our part in its development. In what follows we provide a snapshot of our engagement activities.
The Honor of Being Part of Sponsorship Team of DebConf17
At Savoir-faire Linux, we are committed to building a sustainable economy based on cooperation, collaboration and knowledge sharing strategy. We strongly believe, our strength depends on the quality of our partnership with, and support of, the community projects and the actors of the free software world. In order to fulfill our commitment, we have forged strong partnerships with and supported Free Software Foundation, Linux Foundation, Debian, Python, FFmpeg, and other open and free software projects. Naturally, when we heard that annual conference of Debian was going to be held in Montreal, we were thrilled and excited to be part of this great movement. In short, we think, one cannot build a freer world without supporting free software movement. And, Debian, is one of the gems of free software world.
Our Employees Already Falling Head over Hills in Love with DebConf17

Lucas Bajolet presenting his topic Unicode: a quick overview
The soonest our employees learned that DebConf17 was going to be in town, they started submitting their talks, presentations and workshops. We are yet to experience such a self-motivated dynamic and joyful wave of attention towards an event like this! After submissions, we had the following list of finalists announced on the official page of DebConf17’s schedule page.

Alexandre Viau (on the left) & Andreas Traczyk (on the right)

Amir Taherizadeh
A Hot & Fun Career Fair!

Cyrille Béraud (President) engaging with free software developers at DebConf17
On Saturday, Aug 5, we launched the official career connect activity. Our president, Cyrille Béraud also made himself available to personally answer questions and meet with the pool of talent. It was a very successful networking event which lasted throughout the conference. We met with amazing, highly skilled free software hackers and had wonderful technical and social discussions with them. We received many CVs and some of them are now in the pipeline to be evaluated internally.
The Social Event: Ring on! Mix & Mingle with Ring Team
Ring is a free and universal communication platform that preserves the users’ privacy and freedoms. It is a GNU package. It runs on multiple platforms; and, it can be used for texting, calls, and video chats more privately, more securely, and more reliably.

The Social Event: Ring on! Mix & Mingle with Ring Team
On July 21, we released the stable version of Ring: Ring 1.0 – Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. However, since DebConf17 was around the corner, we postponed the celebration to share the merry moment with the DebConf free software developers. Our plan worked well!

With the help of DebConf organizers we spread the news and in the evening of August 8 we received our guests. What a magnificent crowd! Among our guests were Daniel Pocock (Debian), John Sullivan (Free Software Foundation), Michael Meskes (Credativ), and many other wonderful ladies and gentlemen. Cyrille Béraud made a very brief speech to thank all fre#e software developers contributing to Ring Project, and showed his special gratitude to the core development team for their countless hours put in to realize this milestone.

Stefano Zacchiroli: Debian Project Leader (on the left), Daniel Pocock from Debian (in the middle), John Sullivan from Free Software Foundation (on the right)

Amandine Gravier: Communications Manager (in the middle), Dorina Mosku: Ring Project Coordinator (on the right), Chloé Nignol from DeGama (on the left)
DebConf17 Coming to an End, but the Free Software Mission Continues!
The sad truth is that once again we had to say goodbye to another DebConf! But the word on the street is: DebConf18 is going to be even greater! No matter if one DebConf ends, because Debian Community is so great to make another great one the following year!

DebConf 2017