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Savoir-faire Linux, is Gold sponsor at the Liferay Symposium 2016



We are very happy to announce our presence to the community, our partners and clients at the Liferay Symposium 2016 which will be held in Chicago at the end of the month.


Like every year we are here to make you discover our Liferay expertise and at the same time our knowledges in Java, Web, DevOps et cloud services.

Every year, about ten Liferay partners are rewarded for their implication into the community.

We are hoping that this year our work will be appreciated.

Chart Portler, last updates

We are also very proud for all the hard work we put into this new version available here :

We can’t wait to meet you in order to discuss about new business opportunities under Liferay 7 one of the biggest question in 2015.

As we have been doing, we will introduce you to our computerised deployment tools and the upgrade possibilities related to the user experience under Liferay 7.

Savoir-faire Linux, Red Hat and Liferay

Moreover, we would like to state once again that we are a Red Hat partner and a Silver Liferay partner and our developers and administrators are certified both of them.

Finally, this event is a wonderful opportunity for you to discover our last Free Software project for universal communication, Ring.

Hoping to see many of you at the event on 26 – 27 September, we invite you to visit our Ring website and download the application on your devices.


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