Quebec 24/7 ( is a public dashboard monitoring different metrics freely available in Quebec. It aggregates on one page real time information related to hospitals, DNS infrastructures, online banking services, public transportation, major government websites, etc. Started in June by the Savoir-faire Linux Monitoring Team this free and open software project is ready to get new contributors on Github.

For every metric, different alert levels have been chosen, and if they are exceeded, the metrics appear in orange (warning) or red (critical). It allows users to see at a glance what is working and what is not.
Data Sources
Quebec 24/7 uses 3 different channels to retrieve data:
- Requesting them from APIs (programmation interfaces to implement communication links between various applications).
- Computing them by checking for instance if government websites respond correctly to HTTP requests.
- Extracting them from web pages.
After retrieving data the application group them by type (hospitals, internet service providers, etc.), in order to aggregate them and display summary boxes on the home page. A click on a box allows you to dig into the details.
Roadmap and further improvements
The next step for Quebec 24/7 will be to archive data in order to produce evolution graphs. It could be very interesting indeed to look for correlations between different kind of metrics. For example, is the number of active Bixi bikes linked to the UV Index? 🙂
We’d also like to add new metrics to the dashboard, and we are constantly looking for new APIs and real-time data sources. The project is hosted on Github and, of course, open to external contributors.
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