RxSwift 4.0.0 Final Version Released!
As mentioned in one of our last press reviews, we remain interested in and excited about new developments in the RxSwift project. The core developers pushing RxSwift forward have already released the fourth and most current version of it this past October 17 – i.e. RxSwift 4.0.0. You can find more information on its GitHub page here.

The version is available through various dependency management tools and GitHub. Just remember, the authors of RxSwift have always encouraged us to contribute to the project and, if you wish to do so, please follow these guidelines: About Contributing.
Android Studio v3.0
The new version of Android Studio is now available. Among the new features, we are most excited about: a new suite of tools allowing developers to profile their applications and more easily find performance issues, support for Kotlin, and a wide variety of new tools and assistants to make the use of Oreo APIs easier.
If you are interested in learning more about the improvements and new features, please visit the Android Developers Blog.
Netwoks and The Internet
The Internet, or How to Avoid Breaking What Is Working!
I try to avoid making the same old mistakes: i.e. breaking things that are already working or just avoid fighting against the tool itself by regularly reminding myself of the Essence of the tools I use every day. Here are some articles that I find particularly pertinent regarding the “Essence” of the Internet, so that I can better avoid breaking things the next time I am asked to help put an existing Web application “in the cloud”!