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Inno Weekly #11



Web Development

Getting Started with Server-Side Rendering in Angular

By Kévin Barralon

This week we released a tutorial for developers using the Angular JavaScript framework to set them up with a pre-configured server-side rendering environment. This environment allows for the pre-rendering of an Angular site so that its contents can be made visible to robots (e.g. Google, Facebook, Twitter) and to improve the performance of Angular, as the state of the application is transferred from the server side to the client side.

As these features are new to the framework, the latest version of Angular (v5) is used for the tutorial. You can access the extensive version of this tutorial by reading the blog article: How to Create an Angular Application with Server-Side Rendering?

Bundle Your JavaScript Apps Using Parcel

By Jacob Cook

The JavaScript ecosystem is notorious for evolving very quickly. The modern JS application stack requires a variety of tooling mechanisms, including “bundlers”, which handle the generation and packaging of proper assets for the creation of a Web page. Up until now, two projects have reigned supreme in this space: Browserify and Webpack. They are not particularly known for their ease-of-use: for a preview, you only need to Google “Why is Webpack…” to get thousands of results like “Why is Webpack so slow?” or “Why is Webpack so complicated?”

It’s clear that the ecosystem needs some new utilities that can improve the startup process for cutting-edge JavaScript web applications. There is a new project on the scene called Parcel. This project aims to be an answer to many Webpack-related headaches. It does many things that Webpack does (code splitting, hot module replacement, code transpilation and transformation) with very little if any manual setup and no labyrinthine configuration files to write. It also uses a multicore compilation system, allowing CPU-hogging build operations to be spread across multiple workers and to better take advantage of those fancy processors we all use nowadays.

It remains to be seen if it will emerge as a solid competitor to Webpack, but if initial indications prove true, Parcel will be a huge boon to Web developers that want to get going with a modern project without having to run through their bottles of aspirin. Check out Parcel:

Winter Break!

Thanks for following us for the past 11 editions. Our team wishes you a very happy and restful holiday season.

See you in January 2018!
Your Inno Weekly Team

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